Key Information
Conference Dates: December, 13-16, 2021
Paper Submission Deadline: November 7, 2021
Results of paper review returned to authors: Generally within four weeks
Full conference paper submission (after the event): March 1, 2022
FabLearn is a venue for educators, policy-makers, students, designers, researchers, students, and makers to present, discuss, and learn about digital fabrication and computer science in education, maker culture, and hands-on, constructionist learning. We are seeking submissions for:
- Academic Research Papers (full papers sharing academic research)
- Educator Submissions (for educators to share research, best practices, curricula, experiences, and visions)
Click here to access to the submit Easychair page
Conference Themes and Topics
Sessions will be organized in 4 tracks according to different themes and topics of interest:
Makerspace and Fablab at school: realizing a maker approach to teaching and learning, new models, emerging methods and instruments. |
Coding e computational thinking: understanding and constructing reality through multi perspective methods and tools. |
Methodologies and tools to enhance curricular learnings. |
A look to the future through emerging technologies that interact with the educational environment such as AI, Blockchain, etc.. |
The main topics are:
- Educational Robotics
- Coding
- Makerspace and Fablab at school
- New learning model
- Emerging technologies
- Blockchain at School
- AI at School
- Kindergarten
- Primary School
- Secondary School
- Lifelong Teachers training
- Technology in learning and teaching
- Gender stereotypes in education
- Special needs and inclusion in education
Submission Instructions
To participate to the conference sessions, authors must:
- Submit their papers only by means of the Easychair platform. Click here to submit!
- Download this Acceptance and Rights form (ita version, eng version). Each author must:
- fill in the form (name, surname, paper title),
- sign it digitally or by hand (print, sign by hand and scan in pdf format
- send it by email (in the object please write the paper title and EasyChair ID) with a copy of her/his ID Card to
All Papers must be written in English and without author identification. Failure to exclude author identification from the submission will disqualify the submission from consideration. References may include citations from the author(s) if applicable.
Paper must be submitted only and exclusively using the templates as specified below.
Papers will follow a double-blind review process.
SUBMISSION UNTIL the 1st of November 2021
Accepted full and short papers appear in the Proceedings of FabLearn Italy 2021, which will be published in 2022.
Types of Submissions
Academic research papers: full
For researchers to present current and future projects in the topics of the conference. Acceptance will be based on full paper contributions that report original work that has not been previously published. The paper must identify and cite published work relevant to the paper topic. It should explain how the work builds on previous contributions and should indicate where and why novel approaches have been adopted. Papers should stress the importance of the submission to the digital fabrication/makers/hands-on/CS learning communities.
Submission/presentation guidelines:
- Presentation: Oral presentation during the Research Panels
- Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings
- Page limit: 8 pages including references
- Language: English
- Format: Use the ACM Master Article Template
- Submissions must be submitted without author identification
- Submissions via EasyChair: open until 1 November 2021
Educator submissions
For teachers, school headmaster, program facilitators, trainers: we are looking forward to reflections on your experiences centered on the conference topics. Please include a description of the formal or informal educational experience, an explanation of its importance to the conference topics, and thoughts about what can be learned more generally from your experience and its value for other educators. This category is not meant to be an “academic” paper, but rather a structured report of best practices (or worst practices that should not be repeated!), interesting experiences, and visions for constructionist learning.
Submission guidelines:
- Page limit: 4 pages
- Format: Use the FabLearn Educator Submission Template
- Remember to submit in PDF format (you may need to reduce the file size of the PDF to submit to EasyChair)
- Submissions must be submitted without author identification (leave the author and bio sections of the template unfilled, where possible do not include obvious identifying information within the submission body); if your paper is accepted, we will ask you to reupload with this information added
- Language: English
- Submissions via EasyChair: open until 1 November 2021.
Educators will participate in one of the following:
- Panel: 5-minute presentations by each of 3-5 panelists followed by a discussion and Q&A for all panelists. Panels will be formed and chaired by the FabLearn Chairs.
- Round Table: 8-minute presentations by 2-3 educators followed by intimate discussion.