5:00 PM | Opening | Lorenzo Guasti (INDIRE) and Beatrice Miotti (INDIRE) | Sylvia Martinez and Gary Stager | Vedi![]() |
6:00 PM Room 1 |
Chair Beatrice Miotti (INDIRE) Short Paper | EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES (Track D) | Cooperative learning through a S.T.E.A.M. lab…, Giuseppe Tantillo, Sandra Spica and Mario Veca | “Would you please call me Marco Tullio?”: Cicero, a chatbot from the past, Emma Abbate | The impacts of extracurricular activities for implementing STEM., Charles Pimentel, Isaac Dcésares, Gustavo Zorzi and Marcus Schebek |
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6:00 PM Room 2 |
Roundtable | Makerspace alla secondaria di secondo grado. Esperienze diverse a confronto. Ne discuteremo con Giovanni Nulli (INDIRE) e Stefano Del Furia, Fablab Campus da Vinci di Umbertide, Riccardo Niccolai ITT “Fedi Fermi” di Pistoia, Massimo Lumini e Silvia Musa, FABNAT14, lIIS “G.Asproni” Liceo Scientifico di Iglesias, Annalisa Contoli Fablab di Imola, Martina Ferracane, Fablab Western Sicily |
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6:30 PM |
Chair Beatrice Miotti (INDIRE) Short Paper | MAKERS PEDAGOGY (Track A) | Robotics for everyone: an experience of Educational Robotics and Coding for differently skillful pupils, Laura Cusanno | TikTok as a learning environment in primary school, Fabiana Barone | Tinkering with Biological Materials, Lina Cannone |
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11:00 AM | PRIN Conference | Prosa: Prototipi di scuola da abitare. Progetti e percorsi dal primo al secondo ciclo di istruzione | Vedi![]() |
2:00 PM | PRIN Roundtable | Scuola e innovazione | Vedi![]() |
3:30 PM | PRIN Roundtable | Scuola e città | Vedi![]() |
5:00 PM | Keynote | Risultati dei Focus Group svolti per il progetto PON Coding e Robotica Educativa, Giovanni Nulli (INDIRE) | Vedi![]() |
5:30 PM | Chair Lorenzo Guasti (INDIRE) Long Paper | MAKERS PEDAGOGY (Track A) | Innovation in Laboratory teaching with Making, Educational Robotics, Coding and Innovative technologies, Martina Francesca Ferracane | Building & Learning. LEGO Bricks for the collective construction of knowledge, Elena Liliana Vitti, Margherita Maria Sacco and Alberto Parola Long Paper | CODING (Track B) | Analysis of transversal skills acquired through game-learning, Alessandro Bile, Gianmarco Nicita and Davide Di Vito |
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6:30 PM | Chair Lorenzo Guasti (INDIRE) Short Paper | MAKERS PEDAGOGY (Track A) | Numeral system, arithmetic machines and coding, Matteo Torre | Ulisse on the road. From book to digital storyboards. Program for primary school., Fabiana Barone | Cooperative methods, use of digital tools and lifelong training: a way to move forward during distance learning, Anna Crespiatico |
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2:30 PM | Keynote | Nell’ambito della conferenza eTwinning, presentazione del libro “Inventando si Impara”, edito da Carocci, a cura di Lorenzo Guasti (INDIRE), intervengono gli autori Sylvia Martinez e Gary Stager introdotti dal curatore. | Vedi![]() |
5:00 PM | Long Paper | CODING (Track B) | Educational Robotics to Release Maths Anxiety, Fiorella Operto | Vedi![]() |
5:20 PM | Roundtable | Nuove tecnologie e vecchi stereotipi: a che punto siamo? L’utilizzo di metodologie didattiche innovative che collocazione trova in una visione dell’insegnamento che adotta uno sguardo di genere? Ne discuteremo con gli Esperti Emanuela Abbatecola, Giulia Maria Cavaletto, Fiorella Operto e Laura Screpanti, per INDIRE Beatrice Miotti, Daniela Bagattini e Valentina Pedani |
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5.00 PM | Keynote | Paulo Blikstein, Associate Professor, Transformative Learning Technologies Lab (Teachers College, Columbia University) | Vedi![]() |
5.15 PM | Keynote | The IDEIA Project: hands-on, minds-on science learning through the integration of makerspaces into science education, Cassia Fernandez and Tatiana Hochgreb-Haegele, Senior Researchers, TLTLab (Teachers College, Columbia University) | Vedi![]() |
6:00 PM | Chair Beatrice Miotti (INDIRE) Short Paper | MAKERS PEDAGOGY (Track A) | 3D SCHOOL, Giorgio Gasparini | Culturally responsive maker-space learning model towards meaningful education for marginalised communities, Ridhi Aggarwal and Rahul Aggarwal |
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