Vai al programma completo di Fablearn 2021
A look to the future through emerging technologies that interact with the educational environment such as AI, Blockchain, etc..
Cooperative learning through a S.T.E.A.M. lab about the studying of San Marco restoration.
Giuseppe Tantillo, Sandra Spica and Mario Veca
Short Paper | Using the “Jigsaw” methodology, the teachers designed a teaching unit which enabled the pupils to deal with a theoretical theme through the STEAM philosophy, which combines skills and teaching subjects to simulate real working life..
The impacts of extracurricular activities for implementing STEM Approach and teaching Artificial Intelligence in K12 Education at Polo Educational Sesc in Rio de Janeiro
Charles Pimentel, Isaac Dcésares, Gustavo Zorzi and Marcus Schebek
Short Paper | The article presents the implementation of an educational initiative called STEM + AI Club, aimed at enhancing the integration between student and school and expanding the discussion of transversal themes through extracurricular actions..
'Would you please call me Marco Tullio?': Cicero, a chatbot from the past
Emma Abbate
Short Paper | This report describes the design of a chatbot representing the orator Cicero by students from Diaz High school in Caserta. The application of AI,normally associated only with STEM, produced stimulating results in terms of contents’ acquisition..